
Showing posts from June, 2018


                Bingo In Software Engineering at university course of Kelaniya GNCT subject we did small game in our lecture. It call is bingo. Frist our Lecture gave us a small paper and explain the game rules. Basicly there are no rules. All we have to do is go to our friends and fill this form. If we fill the that small paper lecture hall and say loudly bingo. The our lecture collect the that paper and ask questions using that paper. If we fill wrong informations our marks will drop. These are the basic rules. Here is the informations about my paper .      sunanda hasn’t facebook account ·         Janaka nike name is chooty ·         Hasitha enjoys camping ·         K avindu is vegetarian ·         K irushanty still knows school anthem ·         Tharidu was need prefect in his school ...

paper tower

PAPER TOWER Paper tower game is a game which checks the power of team spirit.They provided limited resources for each team and a limited time to develop a higher and stable paper tower using those limited resources . That should be more stable against  wind and also more higher than other competitive towers to win this game.      this is the first,second and  therde plases towers.                                 1st place 2nd place 3rd place                                                                Learning outcomes: * Teams should have a proper plan before preparing resources. * Each and every team member should be participated to finish it with the time. * Sho...

My friend

                                                          M y friend   my friend name is prasanna.he live in nettabuwa.he went to Algama central college. frome gread 6 to gread 11 then he went to Sangabodhi central college for advance level exame.he has two yonger sister.his favorit coler is read.mostly like drink tea. his ambishon  good softwer divaloper.                                                            he is good friend.he is my friend allways. Comments

Round Robin

       Round Robin In Software Engineering at university course of Kelaniya GNCT subject we did small game in our lecture. It call is Round Robin. In this game we had to build a story. We were divided into three groups for this game. There were 7 members in one group and there were 5 group. Firstly one member of each group wrote one world in the white board separately. Then others had to follow him and write a word one by successively. Each member of every group got a chance of three times to participate this game. There were some rules in this game as well like other games, they are   ·                            *        one of members writing a word in the white board all of others should close eyes and                                       ...