paper tower


Paper tower game is a game which checks the power of team spirit.They provided limited resources for each team and a limited time to develop a higher and stable paper tower using those limited resources . That should be more stable against  wind and also more higher than other competitive towers to win this game.  

   this is the first,second and  therde plases towers.

                                1st place
2nd place
3rd place
                    Learning outcomes:

* Teams should have a proper plan before preparing resources.
* Each and every team member should be participated to finish it with the time.
* Should think about the stability of the tower as same as thinking about the height of it.
* Most important thing is stability. It is fail if it falls down for a small wind even it is higher than all the other towers.
* Basement Of the tower is the most important part of the tower.That must be stable and stronger.


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