
Showing posts from July, 2018

Future trends of technology

                                               Future trends of technology                 The 3rd of July was an important day for all the Software Engineering students of University of Kaleniya, as Mr.Srinath Perera from WSO2 visited here. He was here to educate us on the  emerging technology trends  and the session started at 10.00 am and ended at 12.00 pm. This valuable session was organized by our GNCT lecturer, Mrs. Sarasi Senadheera. All the 4 years' got the chance to participate in the session.  From the beginning up to the end, the session was so interesting, as the subject area discussed was mainly connected with our career. We learned so many things, which I am sure we wouldn't have learn them somewhere else. So, here are some key points we learned about; Forces at Play # Co...

The expert game

                                                                                                   THE EXPERT GAME                                                             In this game we were divided in to several groups and asked to build a product or service that we can sell in the market by using one or more expertise that  team members have.So we got together discussed about the fields that every member is clever at.One person was clever at dancing, another person was clever at playing cricket, another person was clever at cooking etc.There was a person who was clever at desi...