The expert game

                                                 THE EXPERT GAME

                                                            In this game we were divided in to several groups and asked to build a product or service that we can sell in the market by using one or more expertise that  team members have.So we got together discussed about the fields that every member is clever at.One person was clever at dancing, another person was clever at playing cricket, another person was clever at cooking etc.There was a person who was clever at designing and playing video games too.So we discussed and came with an idea to make a Dancing Assisting Video Game.

       In this game we had to explain ;
  •  How we going to make this game
  • What are the technologies we are going to use
  • What is the price of this  game
  • What type of market we are going to select
  • What type of media that we are going to select for marketing                                                    
                                              At first we had to discuss about the technology that we are going to use in this game .So we decided to blue tooth connected accessories to detect the motions of the user.
those accessories consist of a helmet,pair of gloves  and a pair of socks which consist of sensors that can track the user's body movements.

                                             In this game there are few main categories  of dancing that user can select.After that user can follow the guide lines appear on the screen and do the dancing steps.The game will show how accurate his dancing and the mistakes he has done.

                                           By using this game user can learn new types of dancing and for those who already know how to dance  can improve their dancing skills

                                          At last we presented our product to the audience on the stage.


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