

On 29th of November 2018 we had an interesting session in GNCT lecture on Leadership. Initially our lecturer explained some key points of leadership using a presentation. From that we got an idea of what was that day's scenario.

In that presentation there were some awesome life stories of great true leaders who lives and who had lived in the world. This small scenario made the session more interesting and more valuable.

After this we were divided into two groups and our lecturer told us to perform an act in front of the class regarding leadership. Two instances of leadership were given to two groups and we got about fifteen minutes to ready for the act. After the preparation both teams acted for the given scenarios.
Our group had to act a scene of how to handle the situation in a meeting of presenting a presentation when one of the important slides is missing. In this act we were not quite successful. But other team performed their act superbly.

Finally we discussed how our act gone wrong. Our lecturer explained how things should be going and it really helped to us.

After the activity was finished our lecturer told us to write a blog about our most inspired leader.

My most inspired leader

In my life my most inspired leader is Lord Buddha. As being a proud Buddhist, our leader is Lord Buddha. Being our religious leader is not the reason for above mentioned situation. There are many reasons except being our religious leader.  The teachings of the Lord Buddha is the main reason why I consider him as my most inspired leader. Lord Buddha is a leader who never give up on any thing. 

It is not easy to become a leader. It requires many dedications and qualities. All Buddhists know the life story of Lord Buddha very well. Lord Buddha achieved many things through numerous dedications. By the way what I admire most about Lord Buddha is getting bad people into right path through simple teachings. A simple leader can not do such a big thing. Those teachings are very helpful if we want to be a good man to all man kind.

A leader should have a vision and a mission, the most essential ingredient in leadership. A vision is a clear picture of the future. It defines what one wants to become or achieve as a goal. Above mentioned features were displayed from Lord Buddha clearly. Also a leader needs to have knowledge, rather be more aware than the rest of the people. Leader could keep followers cool in adverse situations, and care for the welfare of the followers. Leadership is indeed a challenging responsibility. But Lord Buddhaovercame all the obstacles successfully.
Following are some unique characteristics of Lord Buddha,
  • Serving any kind of man kind without checking the persons' status.
  • Explaining any kind of matter at any time if someone wants to know.
  • Not getting angry in any kind of situations.
  • Very peaceful. 
  • Tolerate anything.
  • Dedication.
Above those characteristics are the things that I admire most. 

The Buddhist concept of leadership as it is exemplified in the life of the Lord Buddha has many unique features in addition to the usual leadership qualities. The most important was that Buddha never gave the impression to his followers that  Lord Buddha was imposing leadership on them. Lord Buddha wanted to maintain that there was the possibility to his followers to attain the same heights and become Lord Buddha's  equals.  The role Lord Buddha wanted to play was that kind teacher who showed the way for excellence which was not an impossible goal for the followers.

If we talked about Lord Buddha's life we can not end it easily. There are so many things and facts regarding Lord Buddha

If we considered only about leadership part I think there is no any other leader like Lord Buddha. So I am greatly inspired from the teachings of Lord Buddha and very proud to have a leader like that.

Leaders should be morally integral, compassionate and must have a clear vision and mission. They should not abuse their leadership for self glorification or personal gains. They have to be good communicators and be able to represent the group as persons able to talk for the group.


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